A post or two ago I gave some guidance on how to recognise Dry Rot, without sight of Dry Rot’s very specific fruiting body. Since then I’ve been asked to go a little deeper on rots in construction timbers. This post will enable you to quickly tell a white rot from a brown rot. Don’t […]
Wet Rot Dry Rot White Rot Brown…confused? Don’t be; it’s easy really
Property Care Association Flood Remediation course July 2010

Last Tuesday and Wednesday I attended this two day course at PCA HQ in Huntingdon. Whilst I’ve been involved in a few flood repair jobs, I was keen to learn more, especially following the PCA flood remediation CPD I attended the other week, courtesy of The institute of specialist surveyors and engineers.see this post Some […]
What is woodworm?

Well, if you’re a timber infestation surveyor like me, it usually means the Common Furniture Beetle Anobium punctatum. However, if you’re a house buyer, seller or any lay person, it usually means anything which has left holes in wood. And there is the problem; woodworm is an emotive generic name. Anything with ‘worm’ in the […]
Cheap and Easy Damp-proofing (which wont work).

A week or two ago I surveyed a house in York. My client is buying the place so of course he wants to know that the house is free of rot and damp. My standard damp and timber survey revealed some minor wet rot (Asterostroma species), some harmless timber infestation in the roof, (Ernobius mollis), […]
Free Damp and Timber surveys – I was wrong all along.
I’ve been a damp and timber specialist for 34 years – starting work with my Dad’s old firm in 1976. I actually started surveying houses for damp and timber infestation problems in 1980. I don’t know how many surveys I’ve done since then, but I do know that it is considerably more than 10,000 and […]