Through my companies, I’ve been involved with the Federation of Master Builders for over 25 years. The FMB is a very useful organisation for small contractors, with a great suite of membership benefits. One of these is access to excellent CPD and training courses, as well as updates on everything from Health & Safety, employers legislation and marketing.
Anyway, I’ve taken advantage of an offer to attend a series of training workshops, covering business performance and incorporating an NVQ level 4 in management. My office manage is attending too. So yesterday was the first proper full day and it was very interesting and enjoyable. The day concentrated on working out the direction a company wants to go in and on setting goals along the way. It is really nice to get a chance to sit back from the day-to-day grind of surveying and pause for thought on these issues. The last 18 months has flown by, with my team’s concentration being on survival – cash flow – and in many cases staff have had financial issues at home to worry about too. My mind has been focused on damp, timber, cavity wall tie and structural repair surveys.
Now it is time to look ahead once more and really find out what each of us wants for our future and work out how the company vehicle can be steered in the right direction to reach our destination.
Dry Rot