The Property Care Association conference and AGM from Leeds I recently had the great pleasure of welcoming my fellow Property Care Association members to Leeds for their annual conference. The event was great as it once more highlighted the wide area of expertise within the PCA, its growing influence in the built environment sector and […]
Mould and flooding for the Property Care Association conference
Damp proofing starts with good damp diagnosis, especially where I’m concerned….

Rising damp, penetrating damp or salt contamination? Why is that wall damp? A month of so back I had the great pleasure of Graham Coleman’s company for two days here in Yorkshire. Regular visitors will know Graham, from past posts which he either contributed or featured in. For those that don’t know Graham, he […]
Advanced Damp diagnosis – gravimetric testing

Is it Rising Damp or just a plastering problem? Most damp problems can be diagnosed with a good pair of eyes and some experience. However, sometimes problems can be more complex and even the most experienced need more information. One such situation is a rising damp profile or visible rising damp tide mark, where there […]
Six things to check and do before you choose a damp-proofing specialist.

Damp-proofing, timber treatment and waterproofing specialists are ten a penny – Google or Yell will find you lots of them when you need one. However, like all trades there are good ones and bad, ignorant and clever, honest and not – how do you stack the odds in your favour? The thing is, that damp […]
25th aniversary newsletter is full of damp proofing,wall tie and structural repair jobs from 2011

It’s just over 25 years since I started Brick-Tie and our forth annual newsletter showcases a handfull of jobs done over the past year including specialist structural repairs to commercial buildings, cintec and helifix tie work, conservation work and news on more training and awards for my team. Click here to view pdf.. I’m very […]