UK damp experts meet in London for a conference on the latest dampness news Damp in old houses and damp in new houses was on the agenda this week at the Safeguard ‘Dampness in buildings conference’, held at the Science Museum in London. For those who work in the preservation industry, rising […]
Damp in old houses and damp in new ones too – the Safeguard Conference
Mould and flooding for the Property Care Association conference

The Property Care Association conference and AGM from Leeds I recently had the great pleasure of welcoming my fellow Property Care Association members to Leeds for their annual conference. The event was great as it once more highlighted the wide area of expertise within the PCA, its growing influence in the built environment sector and […]
Damp proofing starts with good damp diagnosis, especially where I’m concerned….

Rising damp, penetrating damp or salt contamination? Why is that wall damp? A month of so back I had the great pleasure of Graham Coleman’s company for two days here in Yorkshire. Regular visitors will know Graham, from past posts which he either contributed or featured in. For those that don’t know Graham, he […]
Penetrating damp solved with modular cavity trays

Rainwater pouring into a 1970’s apartment in Leeds…. I thought I’d just post a quick one about the use of these handy modular trays. I specified them on a site in Leeds, where tenants of a block of apartments had real problems with rainwater penetrating over window and door heads. The problem was inherent […]
Damp-proofing and Damp diagnosis – electrical moisture meters are so useful.

Electrical Moisture meters get stick from some. Lots of meter readings are used to justify remedial damp proofing which has been shown to be unnecessary. The humble damp meter has taken he blame, rather like knives are blamed for stabbings, in my view. I couldn’t do my job properly without my meter and here’s an […]