‘Green’ damp solving systems from the ‘Neverlands’ now come with a ‘lifetime’ guarantee. How do you define “lifetime” The inventor’s lifetime? The customer’s lifetime? the lifetime of the house? the installing technician’s? the installing limited company? – or the Daily Star advertising director’s? I don’t know. What I do know is that all companies who […]
Another one bites the dust (or when is a guarantee not a guarantee).
Oh dear. Another call this week from someone in Leeds, looking for a damp-proofing firm so they can claim on their guarantee. Most companies involved in damp-proofing, timber treatment and basement waterproofing offer some form of guarantee. This may vary in length from 10 years to as long as 30 years. Once issued, the guarantee […]
Doctor Eric’s paper – nails the coffin lid on the rising damp ‘myth’.
It’s refreshing to know that talented people are working on solving preservation problems. Dr Eric Rirsch’s new paper on the issue is a fascinating and detailed study, which should be at the top of anyones reading list. The most striking thing I found is the way mortar type effects how damp rises. As a surveyor […]